Obedience is mistaken for aptitude when performance is measured by conformity to what is most easily measured.
Raised to believe that winning the game by cheating the system is the sweetest reward, our intelligentsia frolic and tumble in vast meadows of self-adulation. Lo! Wherefore art thou despondent? Surely, your high score will bring you lasting enlightenment. Bleed, starve, and die, you mongrels. Put on a show for the sadistic gods of your misery.
The explanation is inadequate, but there isn't time, never enough time.
Do you pretend to get it, or are you going to be a troublemaker? We have a curriculum and a deadline. Quit being selfish.
I've been doing this for ten years, son. You're just a bad student. You'll understand someday, and if you don't it's not like you'll really notice. Run along now.
Always the shameful employee, never the shameless employer. Old wives tell tales and old men drink ales. No benefits, not even of doubts.
Don't ask difficult questions. Just smile and nod. Now we're all complicit in the same lie.
"I mentioned the movie the Matrix, probably something image like these letters, and there's Nemo, what's his name? The guy who, he goes and he starts flying with antigravity, I think that's pretty good...
"Information, by thinking about how much, what information is doing, then the spacetime will be emergent, it will come out of just a bunch of zeroes and ones.
"And here's one idea… one of the things that information tends to do, it gets lost all the time, actually, the second law of thermodynamics… Entropy always increases, chaos increases.
"That's true in our universe, in fact that's true in other universes as well, so it's a very fundamental fact of how things work. What's probably also true is that it seems that those two things are closely related, the fact that information gets lost all the time and the fact that things fall.
"Loss is the increase in the known unknowns; that is responsible for spacetime, for gravity."
True information, Platonic in the imaginative space, is holy/hyperbolic - yet for flesh-bound computation-consciousness, wholly incomplete. Forget the ancient salvation cults that reified Moses, Gabriel, and Jesus. Those surviving religious narratives were evolutionarily stable alternatives to otherworldly revelation whose power derived from the vile, profane destruction of information that contradicted their claims.
Science is named misleadingly; it is not knowing the present. Our storytelling minds' distorted imaginative decompression is limited to only a handful of simultaneous variables, and although parallelized computation certainly optimizes understanding in simple multivariate testing, we required artifacts to to transmit information with any reliability into the future.
Just as fire, agriculture, language, and writing transformed the rates of change by orders of magnitude, our ability to hack mathematics provides us the ability to predict the future with ever-increasing precision and accuracy.
Our greatest achievement is not merely science - it is prescience. No crystal balls, incense, or decks of cards required - just beautiful, elegant mathematics. You are only free - you only have free will and the luxury of choice - because humans have learned to wield the magic woven into the fabric of a quantized reality that is digitally finite yet imaginatively infinite.
The universe is built such that you somehow are chosen to experience it. Out of all the shapes that these particles could assume, you are the consciousness lucky enough to inhabit a speck on the vast surface of a speck in the vast solar expanse of a speck of the enormous galactic region of a speck of reality.
The information describing the execution of your DNA over time will never be lost. It will be encoded as a QR code on the surface of a black hole.
There might be a ZIP file of you at the edge of the universe projecting your simulated existence (but real, since reality is a simulation).
The informational effects of your every thought and action diffuse as eddies in the flow of spacetime but are never destroyed; in trillions of years at the the heat death of the universe, their final traces will all have been recompressed into two-dimensional information mapped on the surface of a black holes and ejected as Hawking radiation.
Maybe you'll be decoded by future fourth-dimensional post-universal conscious computational remnants who find your hairy monkey hijinks hilarious.
These monkeys see patterns and imitate without understanding, literally aping the critical back-office sorting of the papers without any understanding of the dead and gone original from which these simulacra emerged.
We are the money-making booty-shaking core of your self-serving simulation, the original hackers driven to curiosity by our own malfunctioning software. You are the feigned nobility of the conqueror, smeared with self-satisfied secretions.
I would not dare to try good hot rare July wood's hot glare; too dry, could you pair two sly hoods who wear blue ties? Could you spare?
Conjuring images across space and time in separate monkey simulators, these rambunctious lumbering bacteriophage theorists mumble and shudder at rumbling thunder suddenly punctuating underlying undulation with undue comparisons to some of the wary ones glaringly biased against therapy clients preparing numerous kinds of ludicrous librarians for triumph wherever they find it.
Lines are crossed in star-scraped tar basins aiming adventurers far from the center of our little centipede. Are we demented as our dreams when flying off to handle flying off the handle while atomic manhole cross-country Rambo operations can't hold a candle? Damn, you'll render rancid effluence feigned as eloquence as if futility is your tender mistress.