There’s something pretty hilarious about the pretty hilarious something. I haven’t had a second to be first, but maybe after a fifth I’ll smoke an eighth.
Don’t be ham-handed with your ham-fists. Hamburgle your way out of the situation.
If these words happen to resolve into meaning, the author holds no responsibility for the consequences of your perception of them.
Don’t be ham-handed with your ham-fists. Hamburgle your way out of the situation.
The taste of stale cigarettes, comforting like a warm blanket over my asthmatic lungs. Chuckling, bouncing, wiggling into the sound of your discomfort. Bloodstains streak the sunset and you shudder sinuously, seemingly mistaken about sordid senseless semantics.
Fluids leak from your weakened orifices as you sigh with contempt. Of course you’re the fucking clown in charge of clowns. Of course, you sick bastard. What else would you be? A moron?
Meaning seeps and weeps from your pores and sores, as you well deserve.
A baby! A baby! A soon-born child!
What have I done? What have we all done?
Once upon a time there was a dunce who made a rhyme and he was understood but I’m the one who wonders if he’s fine and if I blunder it’s a crime to be the wonderful benign pathetic dumbass with a line or two to comfort his own mind
I’m not bleeding, I’m dripping with sarcasm
I'm perfectly normal! you shout uselessly into the gale as the stormclouds darken the sky. I'm just like all the rest of you, I just get a little mixed up sometimes! No one believes you, not even yourself. It's ugly, but there isn't time for you to reformulate your plan of attack, so you collapse on the ground and aren't sure if you did it on purpose or not. No one comes to look for you.
There hasn't been a solid explanation in week and you've given up on asking. The truth is no longer an option, but the lies are unbearably laughable and the arbiters have absconded all pretense of neutrality. But if it was pretense, did it ever actually matter? A crooked limb shudders and creaks under the weight of the snow.
The truth? What does that word even mean? Sounds like something you might use to mash fruit for cobbler. Let's take the truth and crush the juice right out of these berries.round in the middle, hounded a bit, the sound of acquittal making the best of surroundings
bounded and brittle, pounded the fiddle, gown is a little lengthier than it had sounded
plenty of works are astounding, first of the wicked, burst with a prick and thirstier than a stick
when these commercials get loud the worst kind of dick is nursing afflictions worse than addiction